Tuesday 10 November 2009

Is Been Gay Right?

Hi and welcome to my blog!!!
The question is, is been gay right? Follow this blog to hear some real truth on the matter.We; re all here to educate ourselves and in the process some of us will be upset by what is written here. If you are that person. I’ll like to say sorry from now, but let the people speak and tell their stories.

Speaking to a friend last week, he asks the question. Is been gay right ?
Of course I don't know the answer to that question, that’s why I’m writing this blog.
He went on to say that if the human race were to become gay/lesbian because it's the latest trend or the government insisted that you must be. Then within 120 years we the human race will have come to the end of our existence!!
He went on to say, It takes a man and woman to come together to produce another, do you follow? That is the only way isn't it? (Please don't comment about test tube babies or anything like that maybe in the future not now) Throughout the animal kingdom, you’ll be hard press to find a gay/lesbian lion, bear, and shark whatever. Why it is only found in the human race on this planet? I understand that it is not always by choice, some will argue that they're born that way and they have tried to fight it but never could win the battle. So just excepted that's who they are!!

So does this mean that if a man is violent and beat up his partner every night, he should carry on doing so because he is violent by nature? Or does he try and get help? Of course I hear you say. That been gay is 2 adults consenting and no one's been hurt in the process. But do you follow what I’m saying? I just done a search on Google, Gay relationships. Thousands of results mostly containing information on gay cruises and gay dating website. Is this a way of life? Sex, Dating, Having fun,and having many sexaul partners? Does been gay mean that sex is the topic of the day everyday? Watch the video below !!!

Please leave your comment. it is much appreciated and please follow this blog to see what others have to say. This blog will be updated every two days.
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is always good to read before you make a comment, May i suggest you do just that?
    thank SAIS.

  3. of course i think that being gay and lesbian is right. i am bisexual, and me and my wifey both agree that liking the same sex is totally normal. i think that the world would be a better place if we were all gay/lesbian because have you ever seen gay people fight? no. we would all be at peace and we would all love each other. the people who think that being gay/lesbian is wrong i have one thing to say, i really don't see what the problem is. we still date people, it is just people of the same sex.

    sorry that the comment is long!!
